National rugby role for Doncaster student Charley

Charley BissellCharley Bissell
Charley Bissell
A talented rugby union player from Trinity Academy in Thorne has been selected to play in a Scottish national team.

Charley Bissell, aged 15, took part in trials for the Scottish Exiles under-18s team in Sheffield in July. At the beginning of September she found out that she had been successful, beating off stiff competition from more than 100 other girls at the regional trials.

Charley said: “There were 120 of us at the initial trials, then they shortlisted 60 of those and finally picked 20 of us to go forward to play in the team.”

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Charley, who plays as second row lock for local club Thornensians under coach Jamie Evans, say she was delighted to have been chosen – especially after waiting for two months for the decision.

She said: “Mum and dad did that thing when they sat me down and said ‘it’s bad news’, but then told me that I’d been selected!

“I really didn’t think that I’d get chosen as I had a neck injury at the time of the trials, but I was really excited to get through.

“My friendship group were really pleased for me too.

“They’re not really into rugby, but they were still proud.”

Charley qualified for the initial trials as many of her family are Scottish.

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She is currently training in Sheffield for the team’s first game which will be held next year in Scotland against the country’s international team.

In the new year the preparations ramp up a gear and Charley is looking forward to spending time at a training camp in Edinburgh.

If all goes well, she has a promising future ahead of her; not only will she have the honour of playing for a national team, but the club will also put her through college or university in Scotland so that she can continue her rugby career with them.