This is how many breakdowns are expected on the roads this Bank Holiday….

Traffic on the M1 before junction 33.Traffic on the M1 before junction 33.
Traffic on the M1 before junction 33.
Up to a 33 per cent increase in breakdowns and road incidents has been predicted this holiday weekend by a major breakdown cover provider.

Green Flag says that drivers keen to take advantage of the long weekend will see a surge in cars on the roads from Friday to Tuesday.

The service estimates up to 161,445 breakdowns and 88,854 incidents will occur, translating to 22 breakdowns every minute over the three days. 

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Simon Henrick at Green Flag said: “The May Bank Holiday is a busy time on the roads as families venture off for the weekend on often lengthy car journeys, meaning congested roads and longer journey times

“This can put a strain on both those travelling and their vehicles. 

“We want drivers to minimise the stress of their journey, stay safe when driving and avoid breakdowns.

“Several problems can be prevented by a thorough inspection of your vehicle before setting off on a long journey.”

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To help drivers reach their destinations safely this May Bank Holiday, Green Flag has provided the following common sense tips for staying safe on the road;

Walk around the car and look for any signs of potential trouble, especially tyres and lights

Check tyre pressures, and that a spare is included.

Check all fluid levels and top up if necessary.

Make sure you have breakdown cover. If you’re travelling abroad, make sure your cover extends to your trip away. If it doesn’t, you may need to arrange separate cover.

Keep a road map in the car so you’ll be able to explain where you are when you call for help. Don’t rely on the map on your phone – you won’t always have a signal.

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Make sure your phone battery is topped up– think about buying an in-car charger just in case you need it.

Have the number for your emergency breakdown provider handy– you’ll usually find it on your policy certificate so you could keep this in the glove box.

Carry a red warning triangle at all times.

Always keep some water and snacks in the car, in case you get stuck for a long time.

For more information about how to make sure your car is road ready visit