Pupils from Sandringham Primary in Doncaster celebrate award

Pupils from Sandringham Primary School and their parents/guardians taking part in the Travel in Time walkPupils from Sandringham Primary School and their parents/guardians taking part in the Travel in Time walk
Pupils from Sandringham Primary School and their parents/guardians taking part in the Travel in Time walk
Scootering, cycling, walking and jumping for joy has earned eager pupils at Sandringham Primary School the title of 2017 STARS School of Doncaster.

The scheme is all part of the Modeshift STARS national Awards scheme, supported by the Department for Transport and delivered by Doncaster Council.

It recognises schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel to and from school.

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To celebrate their success, the school held a ‘Travel in Time’ Christmas themed walk to the classroom led by an actor from history group, Histrionics, which was followed by an interactive show demonstrating the benefits of active travel to the pupils.

Doncaster Council Cabinet Member for Public Health, Coun Nigel Ball, said: “Active travelling such as walking or cycling is not only better for the environment but better for our health too with national recommendations suggesting that five to 18-year olds should aim to do 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous exercise every day.”

Sandringham Primary is the first school in Doncaster to apply for their Silver Modeshift STARS award; an award for schools that achieve a reduction in car use on the journey to school, deliver a whole-school approach and deliver above and beyond what is normally expected of a school.