General Election 2024: Candidates for the Doncaster North constituency have their say

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With just five days to go until the General Election, candidates are pitching for your votes before the polls open on July 4.

We asked each of the candidates standing in the Doncaster North constituency to outline their vision and key policies.

The constituency has been represented by Labour MP Ed Miliband, who will be standing for re-election, since 2005.

Please note, the following are the candidates’ own views.

Doncaster North candidates - Ed Miliband, Labour; Glenn Bluff, Conservative Party; Tony Nicholson, Green Party; David Bettney, Social Democratic Party; Andy Hiles, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition; Chris Dawson, Yorkshire Party; Frank Calladine, British Democratic Party; Catherine Briggs, Party of Women;Doncaster North candidates - Ed Miliband, Labour; Glenn Bluff, Conservative Party; Tony Nicholson, Green Party; David Bettney, Social Democratic Party; Andy Hiles, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition; Chris Dawson, Yorkshire Party; Frank Calladine, British Democratic Party; Catherine Briggs, Party of Women;
Doncaster North candidates - Ed Miliband, Labour; Glenn Bluff, Conservative Party; Tony Nicholson, Green Party; David Bettney, Social Democratic Party; Andy Hiles, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition; Chris Dawson, Yorkshire Party; Frank Calladine, British Democratic Party; Catherine Briggs, Party of Women;

Ed Miliband, Labour

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After 14 years of the Conservatives, this election is your chance to change our country for the better.

I ask for your vote for me in Doncaster North so I can work as part of a Labour government and fight for you, your family and our community, including by re-opening Doncaster airport.

Labour will deliver:

40,000 more NHS appointments a week funded by closing Tory tax loopholes.

6,500 more teachers funded by ending tax breaks for private schools.

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13,000 more frontline police and PCSOs funded by cutting waste.

Great British energy, a new publicly owned energy company, to cut bills, paid for by a windfall tax on oil and gas giants.

Justice for retired miners and their families, boosting miners’ pensions.

Britain can’t go on like this. Our community cannot face another five years of the Tories. Please vote Labour for change.

Glenn Bluff, Conservative Party

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I am committed to delivering the Hickleton Marr A19 Bypass within the next parliament, bringing jobs and prosperity to Doncaster.

Using the benefits of Brexit, I will secure the best international deals and address economic migration, even backing the departure from the ECHR if necessary, while supporting the Conservatives’ cap on immigration.

I will help Mexborough, Adwick le Street, and Bentley establish Town Councils, ensuring local funding. Reopening Doncaster Airport and holding the two Mayors accountable is a priority.

I will back initiatives to help our markets including improving bus provisions to bring customers to the markets.

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I stand with motorists against ULEZ-style charging schemes, the war on consumers, and mandates forcing changes to cars or home boilers.

I am pragmatic on climate change, prioritising protection and lower prices. Helping farmers and residents with flooding by advocating dredging of the Don.

I will work to reopen Mexborough’s A&E and ensure that police stations are manned and open, enhancing our community’s safety.

Tony Nicholson, Green Party

I grew up in a house built on coal, and after leaving school I worked at Bentley pit. I saw the awful working conditions and visited many horrific accident scenes. I can’t say that that made me a green, but why would you want your kids to work there when there is a cleaner, safer way of producing energy?

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The economic and climate crises are connected. We can make our bills cheaper by investing in sustainable energy and home insulation, leading to new jobs and cheaper bills while solving the climate crisis that is leaving communities more vulnerable.

The Green Party plan to ease the housing crisis by building 150,000 new council homes, ending the right to buy scheme, introducing rent controls and ending no-fault evictions.

With funding through fairer tax we can make sure everyone can see an NHS dentist or doctor, raising £50bn while reversing creeping privatisation.

It’s time to bring water companies back into public ownership, stop the deadly pollution of our waterways and ensure people can enjoy our rivers and beaches without the fear of getting sick.

David Bettney, Social Democratic Party

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I am the joint SDP and Reform UK candidate for Doncaster North

It was obvious to me, and to everybody I knew in South Yorkshire, that the two-party system is broken.

People traditionally voted Tory or Labour, not because they thought their party of choice was good fit for our area, they just see their party, as the least worst option. We deserve better!

Born in Mexborough, and being a former Regimental Sergeant Major, allows me to be grounded and in touch with working people. At the same time, I have spent the last 15 years building businesses across the Middle East in the energy sector, and I know Doncaster has huge potential, with the right leadership.

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I have the local knowledge to bring crime down and increase well paid jobs, and the international experience, to ensure that Doncaster can compete with the world, now we have (sort of) left the EU.

Andy Hiles, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

I want to finally get this rotten Tory government out but Starmer’s Labour doesn’t represent us. We need a voice for working class communities. That’s why I’m standing for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition.

As a 17 year old I was very involved in the 1984/85 miners’ strike, I have worked in the building industry most of my adult life, and always been an active trade unionist representing members in the workplace.

I support the Mineworkers Pension campaign and will continue the fight for justice. I’m now a benefits advice buddy representing people at appeals and tribunals.

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The establishment parties say there’s no money, but we’re the sixth richest country in the world. There’s always loads of money for the rich, for wars and vanity projects. So I say spend that money on the NHS, council houses, free education, decent pensions and a £15/hour minimum wage.

Chris Dawson, Yorkshire Party

I am standing for the Yorkshire Party because I have come to realise how badly we are let down by Westminster.

Yorkshire is the most neglected region in Britain. The big two parties take us for granted and cut our public services.

Our goal of devolution would see each person valued more. In 2023, public spending in London and Scotland was £2,600 greater per person than in Yorkshire. With a regional Yorkshire Parliament, we would get the same guaranteed funding as Scotland and Wales, as an equal partner in the UK.

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We could revolutionise our transport, have more frontline police, increase teacher numbers and support our overstretched health and social care services. We could also invest in solar power and first-class insulation to lower energy bills, and rejuvenate derelict sites with new homes, lower rents and prices.

If you want a fairer system, vote Yorkshire Party. Yorkshire deserves its fair share.

Frank Calladine, British Democratic Party

I have always lived and worked in this constituency, so your concerns are also my concerns.

My service as a local councillor on the Sprotbrough and Cusworth Parish Council has been a privilege that has allowed me to understand and address the needs of our community. Furthermore, my active involvement in our family-run business in Mexborough has given me a firsthand understanding of the challenges faced by our local businesses.

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My son attends the local school and plays football for the local team, Sprotbrough Crusaders. I will always represent the whole of Doncaster North and hold regular meetings, no matter your political opinions.

My main concern is that Britain is quickly becoming an overpopulated island and that our British culture, history, and heritage are being undermined.

Enough is enough! It’s time to send a clear message to the out-of-touch political establishment by voting for the British Democrats, a party that shares my vision for a prosperous Doncaster North.

Together, we can change Britain and Doncaster North for the better.

Catherine Briggs, Party of Women

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Single-sex spaces for women are vanishing in hospitals, elderly care, public toilets, changing rooms, prisons and rape crisis centres - all the places where women and girls are at their most vulnerable are being invaded by men who claim to be women.

Children are being indoctrinated in schools into believing that humans can literally change sex.

Female language is being erased, with the NHS referring to birthing persons, chest feeders and menstruators.

Women's sport is being handed over to men who claim to be women, making it impossible for women to compete on a level playing field.

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Women who try to speak out are attacked and are in danger of losing their jobs and livelihoods.

Party of Women calls for the repeal of the Gender Recognition Act and the reform of The Equality Act.

A vote for Party of Women is a vote for the only party dedicated to restoring reality and safeguarding the rights of women and the safety and well-being of children.

Jonathan Harston, Liberal Democrats

No statement was received from this candidate.

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