Doncaster Council elects new Civic Mayor at annual ceremony

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A new Civic Mayor of Doncaster has been selected by councillors at an annual ceremony.

Julie Grace was inaugurated as civic mayor on Friday (May 17) at an annual full council meeting at Mansion House.

The civic mayor holds a ceremonial role, being an ambassador for the borough and the chair of council.

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Nominations for the role are given by councillors and required to be seconded ahead of a vote of the full chamber.

Julie Grace.Julie Grace.
Julie Grace.

Civic Mayor Grace is ordinarily a councillor in the Roman Ridge Ward, representing the Labour Party.

She takes over the role from former Civic Mayor Duncan Anderson, having worked alongside him as deputy in 2023/4.

Her official charity for her year in office will be DONmentia, which raises funds to support people in Doncaster with dementia.

Tim Needham, Labour councillor for the Armthorpe ward, has been elected as deputy civic mayor.