Family's bid to bring home seriously ill Doncaster woman in Spanish hospital for five months

Helen McKerron has been in hospital in Spain since November.Helen McKerron has been in hospital in Spain since November.
Helen McKerron has been in hospital in Spain since November.
A heartbroken family have launched a fundraising campaign to fly home a seriously ill Doncaster woman who has spent five months in a Spanish hospital – including several in a coma.

Helen McKerron, 41, has been left unable to walk or talk after suffering serious brain damage after collapsing unexpectedly in Malaga in November last year.

Helen was rushed to hospital after falling ill at her partner’s home – and has since undergone round the clock treatment and life saving surgery from doctors treating her.

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She spent several months in a coma, remains bed bound and has been left unable to speak and can only communicate using her eyes. She has suffered renal failure and undergone a tracheostomy op following the collapse, the cause of which remains a mystery to medics.

Now the heartbroken family of Helen, who comes from Rossington, have launched an appeal to raise £10,000 to bring her back to the UK so she can continue her treatment and rehabilitation closer to home.

Family member Paul Stafford, who has set up the GoFundMe campaign said: “It has been an absolute nightmare.

"She was visiting her partner, sat up in bed one morning feeling perfectly fine and then complained of feeling ill, was struggling to breathe and just collapsed.

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"She has suffered life changing injuries and we don’t know whether she will be able to walk or talk again. The doctors told us that it was touch and go and that she could have died.

"We are lucky to still have her.”

Unfortunately, Helen, who was visiting her Spanish partner Enrique at the time, did not have the necessary travel insurance – meaning that the cost of bringing her back to the UK does not cover her return on a medical flight.

Said Paul: “As a family we have raised as much as we can and obtained quotes to bring her home via air ambulance, but we remain around £10,000 short of our goal.

"She’s in a position now where she can leave hospital to continue her care and we want her back.

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"We understand that the current situation makes things even more difficult for everyone but any help big or small will help to bring Helen back to the UK as quickly as possible.

You can donate to the appeal HERE

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