Edenthorpe residents prepare to fight development again

Paul BissettPaul Bissett
Paul Bissett
Edenthorpe residents are again fighting against a development which they say is 'totally out of character' with their village.

The locals are resuming the battle against a 650-home development near Mere Lane.

The development application was rejected by Doncaster Council's planning committee, but the decision has been appealed by developer, Northampton-based Hallam Land Management.

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Those heading the battle are aware that the application being knocked back the first time is no guarantee of success - from their point of view - the second time around.

Parish councillor Paul Bissett said he hoped a leaflet drop across Edenthorpe would get more numbers opposed to the development.

Residents have until April 19 to submit their objections to the proposed estate.

Among the concerns of Mr Bissett and others is the size of the development.

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"It's approximately one third of the size of the existing village," he said.

The green space which would be lost to the houses, Mr Bissett said, is a popular spot for dog walkers.

"We are deficient of open, green spaces in the village," he said.

Other concerns include having just one access road to the development - West Moor Link Road.

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Residents are also worried about added congestion and over-crowded schools.

Mr Bissett said the campaigners weren't resting on their laurels because of the development being knocked back the first time.

"We're not taking it, because we won the Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council side of it, we'll automatically win the appeal," he said.

Mr Bissett has also set up a group to take an interest in the future of the village.

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So far, there are 10 members in the group which will go on, regardless of the outcome of this appeal.

"It is shaping the future of Edenthorpe," Mr Bissett said.

About 60 Edenthorpe residents turned up at a site visit by the planning committee members in November to voice their disapproval.

A representative of the Campaign to Protect Rural England joined the group.

The site is within the Countryside Policy Area, meaning development would not usually be allowed there.

The proposal was met with 287 objections.