Doncaster Pride campaigner nominated as modern day 'suffragette'

Jen DewsnapJen Dewsnap
Jen Dewsnap
Campaigning women who have shown '˜Suffragette Spirit' by fighting for issues on behalf of others in their communities have been put forward to be recognised in a new campaign.

The Doncaster Free Press has joined forces with Amnesty International, to mark 100 years of women being given the vote by highlighting modern women who have fought to improve the human rights of others.

The nominated women will be profiled on an interactive map of the UK, which will explain more about work they’ve done in their communities to help others.

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Jo Miller chief executive of Doncaster Council has nominated Jen Dewsnap - founder of Doncaster Pride and chair of the town’s popular Pride event.

Jo said: “Jen is a pioneer within the Doncaster LGBTQ community, recognised as such, building gay pride, developing it and reaching out to promote fostering and understanding across communities.

“Never content to rest on her laurels, it’s always what’s needed next for Jen.

“This was demonstrated in Doncaster by last year’s ‘50 Years Legal’, telling the stories of local people and this year’s launch of new services for transgender adults.

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“She is our very own rebel daughter of whom we are very proud.”

The incredible work of the suffragettes – ordinary women who stopped at nothing to get their voices heard – paved the way for a century of progress in women’s rights.

The suffragette spirit is alive and well in Britain today.

Thousands of women across the UK are still fighting for our rights.

They stand up to racism, sexism, homophobia, corruption and much more.

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Amnesty wants to find these women and celebrate their work by creating a map of women human rights defenders in the UK.

The charity said: “We hope this map will inspire the next generation of suffragettes to continue their legacy over the next 100 years.”

■ To nominate a woman in your local area, please visit All women must have carried out work to help others in their local area within the last 10 years. All successful nominees will be contacted to give consent before being placed on the Suffragette Spirit Map of Britain.