Donate to charity safely campaigning MP urges

MP Andrew Percy urges caution when donating to charity.MP Andrew Percy urges caution when donating to charity.
MP Andrew Percy urges caution when donating to charity.
Giving safely to charity this Christmas is the message from Isle MP Andrew Percy who is backing a campaign by the Charity commission.

The campaigning MP is urging residents to remember the ‘Safe Christmas’ drive developed by the commission – the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales, and the Fundraising Standards Board – the self-regulatory body for UK Fundraising. Both regulators will also be issuing the advice on social media, which can be found by following #SafeXmas.

Advice includes: Search for a charity’s name, registration number and landline on fundraising materials, ask to see a collector’s ID badge and don’t be afraid to ask questions, find the FRSB tick logo showing that the charity’s fundraising is regulated and ensure the collection device is sealed. Go to for information about charities.