Dedicated cadet volunteer of South Yorkshire force is honoured

Capt Kevin Costello receives his award from HM Lord-Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, Andrew Coombe EsqCapt Kevin Costello receives his award from HM Lord-Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, Andrew Coombe Esq
Capt Kevin Costello receives his award from HM Lord-Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, Andrew Coombe Esq
A hard-working Cadet Force Adult volunteer, who has dedicated himself to his role with young people has been recognised for his commitment with an award from Her majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, Andrew Coombe Esquire.

Captain Kevin Costello of Goole, who is Staff Officer Training with C Company, Humberside and South Yorkshire Army Cadet Force was given the award for the 23 years he has spent with the ACF.

Joining Humberside and South Yorkshire ACF in 1992 after reaching the end of his own career as a cadet, Capt Costello was commissioned in 2002 and has enjoyed several high-profile roles with the ACF since then. Following stints as Platoon Commander and Detachment Commander for Howden, during which he completed a CVQO graduateship in Youth Leadership and Management with the support of his employer, Kevin underwent major spinal surgery and returned to a new post with C Company as the Duke of Edinburgh Award Officer.

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In 2016 he became Staff Officer Training where he is responsible for ensuring that the cadets and adult instructors get the most out of their cadet experience by providing enjoyable training and life skills.

Kevin, a shift manager with Tolsa UK, said: “I feel a great sense of achievement for this award and was very surprised after a phone call from our Commandant. I joined the ACF because I can see how important it is for young people to be given a chance and head start in life, by gaining experiences which are not as easily available in other youth organisations. I am now in a position where I can give a little back.” Colonel Nigel Wilkinson, nominated Capt Costello for his award.

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