Two arrested as police in Doncaster continue to press home car crime message

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Police in Doncaster have revealed that two people have been arrested over a spate of car crime incidents in the city.

Officers from Doncaster South Neighbourhood Policing Team said the arrests had been made following an alert to the public earlier this year.

A spokesman said: “In the last two weeks we have arrested two people that have been involved with vehicle crime in the Edlington area. But our advice and warning to drivers still stands.”

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Motorists are urged to check their cars and lock them property after an increase in reports of vehicle crime in the south of the city.

Drivers in Doncaster are being warned of car crime.Drivers in Doncaster are being warned of car crime.
Drivers in Doncaster are being warned of car crime.

Earlier this year, a South Yorkshire Police spokesman said: “We have seen an increase in the number of reports of vehicle crime, including theft of and from vehicles, in the Doncaster South area.

“With this in mind, we want to remind you of the best ways to keep your vehicle safe and secure so it is not an easy target for criminals.”

Follow these easy and important steps to ensure you have done all you can to protect your vehicle:

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• Think before your park - avoid parking in secluded and isolated spots. Instead, park in a busy well-lit area or if possible, a lockable garage. If you are parking in a public car park, use one that has achieved the Park Mark Safer Parking Award

• Always lock all doors and close all your windows

• Fit a steering wheel lock

• Activate security devices, such as alarms and immobilisers, when leaving your car parked or unattended

• Never leave your keys in your vehicle - not even for a second, and never leave the vehicle with the engine still running

• Don't leave anything on display inside the vehicle

• Once at home, keep your car keys safe and out of sight. Ensure they are not kept near unlocked doors or open windows in your home

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If you are worried about car theft, it may also be worth considering installing a tracking device and fitting a lockable cover over your engine management diagnostic port if your car has one of these.

You can read a whole range of tips and advice on how to protect yourself from vehicle theft at the SYP website here