Residents living in fear from gangs targeting homes and anti social behaviour in Doncaster

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Residents are living in fear from gangs of youths who are targeting homes with anti social behaviour in Doncaster.

A number of homeowners in Bentley are looking at selling up due to the constant night terrors of unruly youngsters.

One of many said: “Yet again the residents of Balfour Road Doncaster have been awoken to the sound of screaming and broken glass as large groups target the residents. Unchecked they use the route through White Rose Court to escape to the safety of their camp, well before the police will arrive.

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“So we find ourselves at 11pm and rather than being in bed getting ready for work we are outside assessing the damage. For some we will miss shifts, using holidays or simply taking the hit in the pocket. So as well as the repairs to our cars, we find ourselves down in our monthly pay packets.

Balfour Road in Bentley.Balfour Road in Bentley.
Balfour Road in Bentley.

"Like others we will now look to sell our property, 30 years and we will finally abandon our home to become another rental, most likely for someone out of work. We have for years resisted the clamour to leave, as so many have our working friends already have. My wife's family were brought up here, we married and raised a family here, but for us this is it. This will be the 3rd time this week I have phoned the police re anti social activity, and tonight is the first time we have seen a police car.

“This once proud coal mining community is being reduced down to a waste land, because we have been abandoned for all the shiny new projects. Let’s hope hurray for the airport, expensive housing in other areas, new town centre projects. Whilst the one of the communities that helped built this city is ignored and allowed to descend into anarchy.”

A police spokesman said: “We responded at 11.11pm yesterday (27 June) to reports of criminal damage in Bentley, Doncaster.

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“A group of unknown people are reported to have caused damage to properties and cars at Balfour Road, The Crescent, and Asquith Road.

“Enquiries are ongoing, and anyone with information that could assist the investigation can contact us online or via 101.”

Please quote incident number 1113 of 27 June 2024 when you get in touch.