Operation focussing on vehicle car crime and antisocial behaviour and nuisance off-road bikes

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​Police officers in Doncaster work tirelessly day in, day out to keep the people of the city safe - but sometimes this work isn't always visible to the public.

Police officers in Doncaster work tirelessly day in, day out to keep the people of the city safe - but sometimes this work isn't always visible to the public.

Operation Duxford is our chance to show you just how committed we are to fighting crime and tackling the issues that mean the most to you.

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Earlier this month, teams from across the district came together for Op Duxford, with a focus on combatting vehicle crime, antisocial behaviour and nuisance off-road bikes.

Operation Duxford in action.Operation Duxford in action.
Operation Duxford in action.

We know from engaging with our communities through our neighbourhood policing teams that these are matters you wanted us to investigate, and I am pleased to say that our day of action brought 15 arrests for a whole host of offences.

Proactive patrols by our Motorcycle and Rural Crime Team led to two teenage boys being arrested on suspicion of theft of a vehicle following a dangerous pursuit and a stolen trailer valued at £75,000 was recovered by officers from our Roads Policing Group.

Two men were arrested on suspicion of possession of stolen vehicle parts following the execution of a warrant at a garage and four people were arrested in Dunscroft as part of a mini operation targeting people suspected of committing two-in-one burglaries.

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This is where burglars break into people's homes with the specific purpose of stealing their car keys and ultimately, their car.

Throughout the day, I know officers spoke to members of the public to tell them about Operation Duxford, with residents also taking the opportunity to stop our officers and speak to them while they were out and about.

This is always refreshing and encouraging to see. We value your support so much, and the intelligence and information you provide is crucial in helping us tackle crime and bringing criminals to justice.

We couldn't do what we do without your support, and I hope this operation and all the other activities taking place constantly across our district continue to encourage you to work with us to fight crime and keep Doncaster a safe place for people to live.