Drink driver double the legal limit is arrested after being pulled by police

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A drink driver more than double the legal limit was arrested after being stopped by police on Bawtry Road.

The motorist was one of two drivers arrested for drink driving in the early hours of the morning by officers on the streets of South Yorkshire.

A spokesperson said: “While on patrol in the early hours of yesterday morning (Monday 1 July) Roads Policing Officers arrested two drivers for driving while over the prescribed limit of alcohol.

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“At 4/57am, a 28-year-old man was arrested on Bawtry Road following calls to our control room reporting a vehicle was driving in a dangerous manner. Officers sighted the driver, who then blew 75 at the roadside.

Police have been clamping down on drink drivers across South Yorkshire.Police have been clamping down on drink drivers across South Yorkshire.
Police have been clamping down on drink drivers across South Yorkshire.

“Just 15 minutes later at 5.12am, the driver of a Transit van was sighted speeding in Swinton and following being stopped, blew 91 at the roadside.

“The legal limit is 35.”

Roads Policing Inspector Matt Collings said: “Stopping drivers who are over the limit for alcohol or drugs is sadly daily business for us.

"There isn’t a shift that passes where we don’t process someone for breaking the law and putting themselves and others at risk.

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“As we are currently in the Euros and England continuing to win their matches, we are anticipating an increase in those risking getting behind the wheel after celebrating.

“No amount of alcohol is safe; everyone’s tolerance and limits are different.

“You could kill an innocent person, or yourself. Is it not worth the risk.”

“If you are going out, plan how you’re getting home, book a taxi or have a designated driver.

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“If you are drinking in an evening, remember you could still be over the limit the following morning.

“Football may be coming home, but if you break the law you’re #notcominghome.”

You can report dangerous driving and road crime in Doncaster or across South Yorkshire to South Yorkshire Police on 101, or 999 in an emergency.

Alternatively, you can contact independent UK charity CrimeStoppers through their dedicated UK call centre. You can report information in confidence and do not have to leave your details.

The number to call is 0800 555 111.