Doncaster police arrest man driving "friend's" car with illegally tinted windows

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A Doncaster motorist got more than he bargained for when he nipped out in a “friend’s” car – being busted by police for speeding, driving without insurance and in a vehicle with illegally tinted windows.

Officers from Doncaster East Neighbourhood Policing Team revealed details of the incident.

A spokesman said: “Last night, East Neighbourhood officers were on patrol in the Hatfield-Dunscroft area when they noticed this grey Audi travelling well in excess of the speed limit.

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"The vehicle was stopped and the driver explained he was just borrowing his friends car – just one problem, he wasn’t insured to drive it!

Police seized a vehicle with illegally tinted windows.Police seized a vehicle with illegally tinted windows.
Police seized a vehicle with illegally tinted windows.

"Whilst trying to get to the bottom of why he felt the need to drive so fast, officers noticed how dark the windows were.

"Maybe it was so dark inside the car he couldn’t see the speedo?

"Out came the tint inspector which measures the amount of light that can pass through the window.

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"The legal limit is set at 70% and this vehicle’s windows only allowed 6% of light to pass through the glass. This is a fail.

"The vehicle has been seized for no insurance and the driver dealt with for a number of traffic offences.”

You can report vehicle crime in Doncaster and across South Yorkshire to South Yorkshire Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.

Alternatively, you can contact UK independent charity CrimeStoppers through their dedicated UK call reporting centre where you can report information in confidence without having to give your details on 0800 555 111.