Bizarre driving resulted in man being caught in possession of cannabis and no car insurance

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Doncaster East NPT officers followed the pictured vehicle along Station Road in Dunscroft due to its bizarre manner of driving.

The vehicle was stopped and as officers approached they got the distinctive smell of the green stuff.

The driver happily provided his details and much to officers surprise very quickly admitted to being in possession of cannabis.

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The male driver then proceeded to dig out his lunch box from the passenger footwell and hand it to officers. Inside the box was a small amount of cannabis packaged up and ready to go.

Bizarre driving resulted in man being caught in possession of cannabis and no car insurance.Bizarre driving resulted in man being caught in possession of cannabis and no car insurance.
Bizarre driving resulted in man being caught in possession of cannabis and no car insurance.

The male disclaimed the drugs and was issued with a caution for possession.

A spokesman said: “Unfortunately the plot thickened when we carried out checks on the vehicle and found he wasn’t insured to drive it – I only bought it a week ago isn't going to wash I'm afraid!”

The driver was asked to take a roadside drug test, which he passed.

The drugs were seized and the vehicle was seized.