£3 million underspend at Doncaster Council facilitates additional investments

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Doncaster Council underspent on its annual budget last year, allowing for several additional one-off investments.

The final quarterly Finance and Performance Improvement Report for 2023 stated that the council underspent on its annual budget by a total £3.1 million at the end of the year.

It highlights the underspend as a “significant achievement” due to demand on several services and inflation.

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The council is set to use the additional funds for several one-off investments towards priorities which have been highlighted by residents.

Doncaster Council Civic Office.Doncaster Council Civic Office.
Doncaster Council Civic Office.

A contribution of £1.5 million will be granted towards Edlington Leisure Centre, with the council set to decide the future of the closed site in the coming months.

Some £800,000 will be spent on additional road resurfacing, matching the amount that the council is allocated externally for this.

As approved by cabinet earlier this month, £1 million will go towards targeted interventions in the city and town centres to improve safety.

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This comes in advance of the Long-Term Plan for Towns, which will see the government grant funding to the council annually for ten years.

Over the course of the year, the council underspent in several one-off areas due to additional funding in the 2024/5 Local Government Settlement granted by central government.

Energy spending was also £2.25 million under budget as prices in the sector fell throughout the year.

Adults Social Care saw a £2.87 million overspend due to increasing demand, reducing potential savings.

The council has set targets for additional savings in 2024/5 despite ongoing financial pressures, aiming for “close management” of service budgets.