Art bomb event to make art accessible to Doncaster public

Art in the dark at the New FringeArt in the dark at the New Fringe
Art in the dark at the New Fringe
An evening of interactive art exhibitions to highlight the empty highstreet problem is occuring this November.

The New Fringe is an established art group in Doncaster - they recently bought an abandoned building in Doncaster town centre in hopes of turning it into an artist's space.

The old solicitors Attey’s is based on Cleveland Street and is now a thriving art hub for local talent.

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Two Doncaster women, Kim Farr and Sacha Gray are members of the New Fringe and studying their art degrees at Doncaster College.

Art exhibition in the new building windowArt exhibition in the new building window
Art exhibition in the new building window

They decided together to put on the Art Bomb event to open their new premises.

Sacha said: “It’s going to be a really fun event.

“The audience can get involved with the artwork and it will be a different kind of exhibition which is accessible to all people.”

The event is going to take place on November 30, from 5pm, it’s free to attend and visitors are encouraged to take part in the interactive art pieces.

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Art in the dark event at the building.Art in the dark event at the building.
Art in the dark event at the building.

“There is going to be at least 20 local artists involved in the exhibition ranging from visual arts to ceramics and film,” Sacha continued.

“The group Mother Hookers will be doing a yarn bomb at the event where they will teach participants how to crochet and then they will join everyone's work together to make a final piece.

“There will also be an interactive clay piece where people will be invited to add lumps of clay to a large sculpture.”

The building has sat empty since 2012 and this art event is going to be one of many activities in the building.

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Shop front.Shop front.
Shop front.

The New Fringe hopes that their new premises will attract new members who can use the space to showcase work and interact with other creatives.

Kim said: “There are so many artists in Doncaster who are working from sheds and garages and just don’t know how to move forward in their careers.

“This is an open space for all kinds of artists and we hope that there will be lots of skill-sharing and workshops.”

If you’re a local artist who wants to get involved you can email [email protected] or follow them on social media @artbomb2019

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